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Full Version: Bug reports for new PUG site
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Report all bugs you find here, if it is exploitable PM me directly.

The new PUG site is ready. It will be faster and more improved than the older one, there will be several new features too but this update is mainly focused on optimization and enhancements.

Forums/Servers/PUGs may be down from 11AM PST/3AM SGT for at least 1 hour.

New features:
  • view your pugs (up to 100) [screenshot]
  • view your who has buddied you and stuff [screenshot]
  • front page where you get a brief overview of your profile [screenshot]
  • you now see your pug ban chance on front page, pug profile and also on the ban
  • donations expiration are now more accurate
  • a few more other minor features and maybe i forgot a few
(wL) pug site history: https://imgur.com/a/kwtVh
idk if this is supposed to be like this but.... 1) http://prnt.sc/dlu5ej 2) http://prnt.sc/dlu5vb
(Dec 20 2016, 06:03 PM)Drago Wrote: [ -> ]idk if this is supposed to be like this but.... 1) http://prnt.sc/dlu5ej 2) http://prnt.sc/dlu5vb

Fixed that, thanks.
13. Ban list filter still won't filter console bans after your fix. It's showing all bans.

14. The donation progress bar width is 180/135=133%, need to set max-width: 100%.

15. Help Page - PUG Commands QUOTE"+b/+buddy To remove a player from your foe list"QUOTE Nice copy paste.

And some minor bugs with the responsive. Will put them later.

16. General filter bug: The result count shows 1 while there is 0 result. And while it's 1, it should be 1 Ban not 1 Bans.

17. Pugs on the maps which the site doesn't have the preview pictures showing broken picture on the Pug List. For example: https://servers.war-lords.net/pugs?engin...de_rush_v2. You might want to add a no-image picture for those maps.
(Dec 20 2016, 06:36 PM)Angel Wrote: [ -> ]13. Ban list filter still won't filter console bans after your fix. It's showing all bans.

14. The donation progress bar width is 180/135=133%, need to set max-width: 100%.

15. Help Page - PUG Commands QUOTE"+b/+buddy To remove a player from your foe list"QUOTE Nice copy paste.

And some minor bugs with the responsive. Will put them later.

13. works fine for me
(Dec 21 2016, 04:01 AM)Ben- Wrote: [ -> ]you need to be on homepage of the website to be able to swicth from forum to stats and vice versa

Not sure I follow, what do you mean?
That CSS and CSGO button near 'ALL' button seems pressed.
If i wanna i check my css stats only and i click on css icon,Its showing csgo stats and vice versa.
(Dec 21 2016, 10:50 AM)Riser Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec 21 2016, 04:01 AM)Ben- Wrote: [ -> ]you need to be on homepage of the website to be able to swicth from forum to stats and vice versa

Not sure I follow, what do you mean?

What i mean, is that when im on the new stats page, i can't switch to the forum directly, ive got to go to the homepage of the website to be able to go on the forum page.

But i can get to the new stats page from the forum.
(Dec 21 2016, 01:23 PM)Ben- Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec 21 2016, 10:50 AM)Riser Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec 21 2016, 04:01 AM)Ben- Wrote: [ -> ]you need to be on homepage of the website to be able to swicth from forum to stats and vice versa

Not sure I follow, what do you mean?

What i mean, is that when im on the new stats page, i can't switch to the forum directly, ive got to go to the homepage of the website to be able to go on the forum page.

But i can get to the new stats page from the forum.

Oh you mean those big links on the top? You have to use the dropdown menu.

I was tempted to make it like how it is on the forums but.. doing that would require a lot of hacky changes that wouldn't function on mobile too. Bison also wanted it that way because now people are forced to click the drop down links and look for what they want, previously many complained about not being able to find stuff.
Fixed a bunch of bugs, thanks for the reports guys.

We have a new donor feature called ready vanity messages which allow you guys to set custom ready messages. This is due to the lack of donor benefits on PUGs.

You can now link your Steam account, as well as set your vanity ready messages here:

Edit: clear your cache if you see weird stuff
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