Jan 31 2017, 02:48 AM
-Name in game: RealRecklezz (various other names as well)
-Steam id: STEAM_0:0:40065598
-Age: 21
-Steam Groups: wL Pugs, 1HP, too much tuna (all social and not really clan type, all affiliations if accepted will be for NW)
-Why Night Watch? I like how the name sounds, and the fact that you guys are a clan makes me believe you guys are better than the baddies that are playing wL pugs rn.
-About yourself: I was semi pro back in '09 and was better than Ghoul back in '09 as well. My personal background will have to remain a mystery to all of you. I hope I see you guys in a game someday. I will say that I play both CSS and CSGO, I cant run CSGO but managed to get all the way to supreme running 40-45 fps max. Pure game sense (I have next level game sense, because I plug myself into the matrix). The rest will remain in secrecy.
-Mic requirement: YES (I have one)
-Steam id: STEAM_0:0:40065598
-Age: 21
-Steam Groups: wL Pugs, 1HP, too much tuna (all social and not really clan type, all affiliations if accepted will be for NW)
-Why Night Watch? I like how the name sounds, and the fact that you guys are a clan makes me believe you guys are better than the baddies that are playing wL pugs rn.
-About yourself: I was semi pro back in '09 and was better than Ghoul back in '09 as well. My personal background will have to remain a mystery to all of you. I hope I see you guys in a game someday. I will say that I play both CSS and CSGO, I cant run CSGO but managed to get all the way to supreme running 40-45 fps max. Pure game sense (I have next level game sense, because I plug myself into the matrix). The rest will remain in secrecy.
-Mic requirement: YES (I have one)