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What is the point of having the comments section on pugs?
Hahaha, interesting post... I'd like to ask you the literal same question because it seems like you are using the pug commenting system- you must derive some purpose (or point, to use your words) using it.

Anyhoo, here's a post of Ben's from May 27th-

(May 27 2017, 12:39 PM)Ben- Wrote: [ -> ]pug comments could be interesting for fragmovie editers, not all 1vs5, 1vs4, 5k's and 4k's are worth wasting your time to watch an entire demo.

Making a lil comment like, that ace was #%?&*%&%$?$#!@$@ good could save time for them.

That's nice and simple to understand. Ben's post illustrates an aspect of pug comments that makes this feature not "point"[less].

Integrating the Alerts thing that serves the forums to include notification of another person commenting on a pug that you commented on (or didn't comment on but starred, if it were possible to star pugs) would be a neat addition that may give more purpose to this ability to comment. Not sure if this was implemented at its birth.

Speaking of implementations, if you have not yet noticed, wL seems to constantly be rolling out updates on all fronts. When considering this, even if you fail to see any point at all of the pug commenting, keep in mind that future updates may bring purpose and a point to what you are for the time being unable to identify as purposeful.
admins should have to go through them as well to ban shit heads
(Jul 03 2017, 08:48 PM)sift Wrote: [ -> ]admins should have to go through them as well to ban shit heads

There is a proper forum for that.