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Full Version: 1st time post and account vaporized
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Hey my original wL account has vanished into thin air. 

I've had account since I started playing on the servers back in late 2019? Anyways, I donated out of my egirl purse back in mid March this year for the love the server and community.. 
However i was spooked when I 1st tried to post on the forums to find my account doing a full Houdini and any trace of my account being flushed into abyss. 

(I posted in Media Mania; Asking what everyone's all time favourite frag movie was with a youtube link message box.

If someone could look into this that would be swell. Check the donation page for midmarch ( currently https://war-lords.net/donate?page=3 ) for corrupted account crashing webpage.

I wouldnt mind but I dont want to donate again and these egirls are hungry..
Do you remember your original account name?
FayLawnmower I believe