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I want to get back into it. I used to play, ended up unsubbing. Cataclysm looks fun because at least it changed up all the old vanilla content into something new.

Should make leveling a bit fresher as I never want to go through Stranglethorn Vale again...
I played since vanilla i quit a few weeks before the cata patch came out. If you wanna get far and get sponsored you need to be good at what you do and be ready to sacrifice a lot of your time for a "game" which can eventually lead to a job. Clicking is a big indicator of someone who can't think on their feet not only does it not help you get stuff done quicker but that means you turn with your keyboard. Learn Keybinds ASAP and find tutorials for your class and race. It helps A lot when you know what you're doing. learn other classes too so you can help your guildies. when you're working your way to the top guild on your server.
Ahh yes... Clickers never win. Use your hotkeys. For everything.
i was a clicker and owned hotkey players Tongue
i dont click and i molested you at broodwar
on low... on fast id own u :/ that was my 2nd time playing low rofl
I play on Wildhammer, anyone else?
I should get WoW also, Im going to get Diablo II first though, and yes, Hotkeys for everything.
Undead rogue ftw! ;D
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