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Full Version: AngryAnimals Scrim Fail 6/23/11
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Rabid animals don't care about others! They are selfish hounds. Especially the rare Rabid Rabbit species.
We need to start scrimming like this. If you remember this... THROWBACK

we tried working some basic strats like faking pushes on T side and strategical flashes and smokes, things that i did in my days of scrimming but our CT side was not aggressive at all, which worked a few years ago with basic rotations and 3/2 splits but we either got overran or caught in a 1v4, 2v5 situation too much to actually do anything. We also got rushed on T side from Long A and mid before we even got a chance to get an awp so it was bad all the way around
im always down for scrims, but i will never use a clan tag, zenk is zenk, and thats it Big Grin
yeah always 1 x 4, 2 x 5 but was fun and we lerned a lesson with this fail!!!
Loks Wrote:yeah always 1 x 4, 2 x 5 but was fun and we lerned a lesson with this fail!!!
that we did loks, that we did
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