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Full Version: You know youre an oldfag if....
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You remember...
Tom Aka Leet
Luke aka Oxide (RIP died a virgin)
CoMpToN (My favorite nigga)
Brandon (Our resident Canadian and Diablo 2 Expert)
BuGGz (Legend)
Nico teh Canadian
buggz was a noob
Canister Wrote:buggz was a noob
nigger for got about agentsix1 <- noob lol

but ya i rember them lol was buds with all of them

wait wat oxide died ? Sad

tom i was good friends with
Luke aka Oxide Recruited me and became good buds
CoMpToN rember but ya
Brandon dont rembeer him
BuGGz gave me 10 wc3 keys lol
Nico i belive his aka was savioso if im right hes coolÂ