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OMG just went to the midnight showing in 3D and OMG  just OMG ITS TRUELY A MUST SEE

Transformers 3 > Green Latnern

this movie was well worth waiting in line for 2 hours for lol line were long when i got there it was about 10 and ya i walked to the theater so 30 mins there 30 mins back was well worth the three hours if u have to pee when u see this movie HOLD IT you wont wanna leave this movie is truely amazing altho if u havent seen the other 2 i would suggest that u watch them before u see the third  theres a lot of story line based off the other 2 at the beging im like WTF is going cause i havent see the other movies in probly a year

im not gonna tell u about it cause im not an asshole all tho it was worth thje $10 to see it

lol if any one else saw this i wanna no wat u think if not i wanna hear the people that are jealous

then there will be the trolls Not naming any one COUGH (xFerior, King wat ever his name is and the others like ruplayer and ya u get the idea)

any ways its 4 am i going to bed now NIGHT
Watching it on Sunday.
i said i was going to bed but i wanted to see if any one responded and some one did lol

matt watch the other 2 movies a day before u go trust me on this one the movie will make alot more sense in my opion 3 > 2  or 1
this isnt by a little its a land slide by far best movie of the year no competion

all tho lion king in 3d might beat it lol
Yeh, I watched #1 and #2 the other day for preparation for #3.

ya i wish i would of watch them before i went lol
soon as a good version of this movie comes out ill post it ^__-
Pass is so exited because he went the the theater! was it your first time?
Transformers 3 hah? in Indonesia has also been shown..
howe do u no this is that where ur from :|
King "whatever his name is?"...FUCK YOU

but yeah I think its just not the same without Megan Fox, but then again I was like "she is a total whore" in the second movie so its all good. I LOVED #2 in theaters but is sucked hard when I watched it at home on my 65" TV so I was kinda dissapointed there
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