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Full Version: new crosshairs, a possibility??
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Don't suppose anyone knows if you can use custom crosshairs? Not sure if anyone had noticed but all stock crosshairs are bright and make it rather hard to see where you are aiming on bright maps such as dust2.
yea you can, but you can make it more visible in dust 2 by making the crosshair alpha 255
i thought custom crosshairs would be considered cheating...

xFerior Wrote:yea you can, but you can make it more visible in dust 2 by making the crosshair alpha 255

and what does that do?
cl_crosshairalpha 255?
Makes it so that you can see the crosshair if you point it to the sun lol. It makes it more visible Smile
xFerior Wrote:Makes it so that you can see the crosshair if you point it to the sun lol. It makes it more visible Smile

guess i should go type that in then eh?
sounds like a plan