Vote if you want default or random spawn points.
Things to consider is with default the spawn camping or random the chance to be shot in the back more often.
ya, random.

The spawns are now random as requested.
the spawn points are gr8 , but i get shot in the ass everytime

, with the server being full , random points suck , with fewer members its fun
^ and with the server being full allmost allways...its gonna suck.
Both sides have ups and downs...
Maybe just try it out for a week or so and see how people respond.
it's a popular server in fact i think it's the second after 24/7 dust non dm. time will tell but i don't like the random spawn points. i have noticed fewer going into server now as they all must love to spawn camp and take out their life's pains in a brutal violent dm game on dm dust2 ahahaa
the random spawn points kinda make skill irrelaventĀ , if u r lucky u may see the person shooting uĀ ,

random spawn points sucks, was way better before.
u just spawn die spawn die, and then with the spaw protection it just makes this 10000x worse.
yea i agree go bak to how it was. now with the spawn points the way it is it's more individual. like you cant form as a team and attack because everyones dispersed and all over the place. thats my biggest gripe with the new setup. at least before you could request backup storm as a unit etc. now it's 1 man against all others the way it spawns
It is now default spawn again. After a bit of a trial it is too hard for any co-ordination or team work.