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can anyone explain the shots per kill rating on the gameme stats. i was comparing my stats to other players of whom i believe i am competitive with, and everyone had a shots per kill rating of about 10-15, but i only had 6. even the max is 6. is higher a good number? is lower a good number? even jack monroe has a shots per kill rating of 13-15, max 23 and i consider him to far outclass me
my shots per kill is 7.9.  6 is really good.  Lower is better as you want it to take less of your ammo to get each kill.


You are just saying that because you don"t have any kills.
JackMonroe Wrote:You are just saying that because you don"t have any kills.
the three of you are pros..and honestly i cant stand it.. >Sad

im going to kill all of you..  Tongue