even if you had a low ping i would hand you your face on a stick! haha
i always win in knife fight againt low ping guyz
bcoz i lag , i ahve like 350 ping and i win the knfie fight always 8)
no1 can beat me
60% of Knife fights with low ping opponents are lose
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:even if you had a low ping i would hand you your face on a stick! haha
lol no u wont be able to win and y u may ask? cause im a knife maniac lol
DENVER FERNANDEZ Wrote:i always win in knife fight againt low ping guyz
bcoz i lag , i ahve like 350 ping and i win the knfie fight always 8)
no1 can beat me
denver stop the bs u lost alot of knife fights lol
w/e mang we will 1v1 in the scrim server so the Epi can put it in his Video. haha deal?