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Full Version: Ingame icon next to name, different from everyone's elses, how to change it?
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The little icon/picture to the left of your name, it usually is an icon of a terrorist or counter-terrorist.  My problem is mine is different from everybody else.  Not even sure what it is.

Is there a way you can change that picture to the default or any other icon I would like to put.?

I tried searching it on the web, but all they give you is how to make your own spray or headshot icon.
You mean on the scoreboard? That icon corresponds to your steam avatar. If you have non-steam, however, i believe it sets it to the default terrorist or whatever :Smile
xFerior Wrote:You mean on the scoreboard? That icon corresponds to your steam avatar. If you have non-steam, however, i believe it sets it to the default terrorist or whatever :Smile

Yea on the scoreboard.  I do have a non-steam CS:S, but it still gives me some weird picture instead of the default terrorist/counter terrorist.
Not sure what you mean. Take a screen shot.
xFerior Wrote:Not sure what you mean. Take a screen shot.

Alright, here it is. The icon I have has a red circle around it. I put a green square border around the default ones (how I would prefer if mine looked like).

Keep in mind that I do not use steam. I tried 2 different downloads of this game. The one given on this website and another a different one (think a Russian uploaded). Both versions, let me connect to the same servers, but both give 2 different icons. On some servers I get the default icon.

Thanks for your help.
It's probably one of the tga files scattered around in the folders. Anyways, I don't think it really matters if you change or not. Regardless of whether you do, other people cannot see the image you set, they instead see that default terrorist image.
yap, i use setti non steam css, and I get that too,
actually I don't mind with that avatar...no problemo
Thank you everyone.