You don't have to own a legitimate copy of CSS. It's preferred but we don't require it.
Get to know us in game and play with our members. We're on a lot.
There's going to be some significant reduction in the Clan as we've strayed from the original purpose of AA.
joker8baller Wrote:You don't have to own a legitimate copy of CSS. It's preferred but we don't require it.
Get to know us in game and play with our members. We're on a lot.
There's going to be some significant reduction in the Clan as we've strayed from the original purpose of AA.
curious, wat was the old n new purpose of AA o.o?
Andddddddddd story time.
In February, a bunch of regulars (Sporkis, Hydro, Lil'Bean [Rabbit], myself, Fluidwater] created a group called PHYS~ for IRC scrims. This worked out for a while until there was a huge fight and the players created a variety of groups that held different membership. Eventually it settled down into Mass Appeal versus the group Sporkis made (The "official" team for wL)
Mass Appeal had Hydro & Lil' Bean as leaders, until Hydro got fed up with Bean and they had a fight. Thus, AA was created.
Both groups were pretty successful and had their own membership. Hydro went crazy, got his admin removed and then jumped ship from CS:S. Apparently I was a leader of Mass Appeal so I closed it down and merged in with AngryAnimals.
Whatever the repetition, AngryAnimals was merely meant as all iterations of the clans before. It was a group of regulars on the wL servers that enjoyed playing with each other and played with each other regularly. This was the time where the servers Teamspeak was actually being used and AA started to grow. This isn't meant to be some clan where shit is taken seriously, it's just a place for people to chill out and have a good time. It's not a team for scrimming, it's not some elitist bullshit, it's just for people that like to talk and play with each other.
Of the core members, none really play (Rabbit, Ferret, Hamster). Of the members that can remember what the fuck happened back in the day, there's like two. Rabbit seems to have left CSS permanently, Ferret rarely plays and Hamster is busy with life.
Therefore, the remaining people have decided that we're going to start cleaning it out. Since Angry never had a strict policy, anyone in the group could invite anyone and the clan grew really quickly and members that no one played with or knew were getting in. It's not what we wanted, and we def. lost a lot of our true purpose.
Before this happened, there was a strict recruitment policy that every member had to know who the new recruit. This is rarely seen and we have a bunch of players that most of the regulars do not know.
AA is simply meant for wL regulars to come and hang out with like-minded individuals. These were people that were good friends with each other and didn't start shit. And that's what well become again.
joker8baller Wrote:Andddddddddd story time.
You could just copy/paste lol, oh I guess you did...
BaNaNaMaN Wrote:You have to own a legit copy of CSS on steam. You do don't you?
...and be 18 and bla bla bla... I heard it somewhere=)
Not 18, just suggested lol.
Yo Joker, want another regular back in AA?

May I please join angry animals? I've recently tried scrimming and I love it. I see alot of you guys floating around and after reading about your clan, it sounds quite interesting to me. If you guys have a minute send me an invite, I'll greatly appreciate it. If otherwise you need to be evaluated, I'll been into whatever it takes. Thanks to anyone who read this for their time and consideration

. See you all in game, hopefully with the new tag

russian Wrote:May I please join angry animals? I've recently tried scrimming and I love it. I see alot of you guys floating around and after reading about your clan, it sounds quite interesting to me. If you guys have a minute send me an invite, I'll greatly appreciate it. If otherwise you need to be evaluated, I'll been into whatever it takes. Thanks to anyone who read this for their time and consideration
. See you all in game, hopefully with the new tag
We don't really take applications, it's invite-only. Just play more with members.
Quieten down baby RemiX_ is sleeping.