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Sooo I am Dark don't remember my old username I think it was ZeRo then i  had switched it to Dark. Anyways I was here a few years ago and just passing by Big Grin.
long time no see son
Oh hai!
Ha just randomly passing by. So how has it been war-lords.net?
Everything has been wonderful. I never left it Smile
I see that there are css servers how are they?
I have not played css in a long time and wouldn't mind a few games.
And yea I keep forgetting about this site and remember every so often xD.
CSS seems to be running pretty well. Run by, M. Bison, Anubis and Matt. I think?
KŋÏğĦ‘tRìĐě® Wrote:Run by, M. Bison, Anubis and Matt. I think?
That is correct ^
Woot, i'm so sexy, i love war-lords Big Grin