High Society has been re-made, since RicK came back to Battle.Net. We are back to re-shape the face of Battle.Net! Come chill with us, or join up to become part of the revolution!
Vector Wrote:We are back to re-shape the face of Battle.Net!
Loading bots is not going to Change the Face of Battle.net -_-
Do more than just Battle.net? Seems stand alone clans just don't make it anymore, at least the 3 or 4 I have been involved in for the last 5 or so years.
Cpt.Dre@m$ Wrote:Vector Wrote:We are back to re-shape the face of Battle.Net!
Loading bots is not going to Change the Face of Battle.net -_-
As I said before... Youre an idiot... lol
you love me Wtf man not Cool :|
De$ert [email protected]@E Wrote:you love me Wtf man not Cool :|
Its called word filters. I said youre an id.iot.
We should stop changing names should we dreams?
Good boy