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Full Version: Yahoo fails
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[Image: iy62rwre0nux2yn2z3j.jpg]
Lol, nice Canister.
I lol'ed so hard at all of those...

I want more lol.
haha nice. I agree with Rabbit, more more Big Grin
LOL. I want
LOL those were really funny. Here is a one that made me laugh my ass off 2-3 years ago. This was around time when Russia was trying to get rid or Georgians.

[Image: 2wnsp6w.jpg]
Sadly enough I have been confused about the time seconds thing at one sad moment of my life. I guarantee that at some point his logic got twisted into thinking there are 100 seconds in every minute. 1:20 is really 80 seconds but it reads 1:20 which seems more like 120 seconds at a glance. Kind of an easy mistake if you aren't paying attention. damn base60 vs base10
Wow, I like the spiders...
If I was him, I will jump from my roof to Eiffel Tower...
If I success, then I was bitten by a Flash Spider
If I fail then I was bitten by a Regular spider

What pets have I to have or something...
It seems that the man that answers "Me"
is crazy and knows that he is a bear or something...
mar_heave Wrote:Wow, I like the spiders...
If I was him, I will jump from my roof to Eiffel Tower...
If I success, then I was bitten by a Flash Spider
If I fail then I was bitten by a Regular spider

What pets have I to have or something...
It seems that the man that answers "Me"
is crazy and knows that he is a bear or something...

Speaking of fails...
mar_heave Wrote:What pets have I to have or something...
It seems that the man that answers "Me"
is crazy and knows that he is a bear or something...


[Image: n94140_son%20i%20am%20disappoint.jpg]
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