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This place still seems dead to me, i would expect more. Hope all of you are doing alright.

Is that "warring" thing still going on? i wouldn't notice since i hardly connect my accounts onto bnet anymore, and if i do, i only stay on for 30mins to an hour.

The recent thing i found out was last night that Jake ( or Josh? ) backstabbed Warden ( i lol'd ) in Clan Holy.

And that's pretty much all of it.

As for me, i am doing fine. I am on xbl a lot, gaming and chatting to xbl buddies.

If i don't bother replying to this thread, it means i don't pay attention much to this site. But you can find me on bnetweb anyways.

Yeah, it was Jake. It was because Warden took clan DBM from Horse and JoeRodge, it was sort of a payback. Smile
That's bnet o.o
my horses are loose without their stables
xrift Wrote:chat.

This place still seems dead to me, i would expect more. Hope all of you are doing alright.

Is that "warring" thing still going on? i wouldn't notice since i hardly connect my accounts onto bnet anymore, and if i do, i only stay on for 30mins to an hour.

The recent thing i found out was last night that Jake ( or Josh? ) backstabbed Warden ( i lol'd ) in Clan Holy.

And that's pretty much all of it.

As for me, i am doing fine. I am on xbl a lot, gaming and chatting to xbl buddies.

If i don't bother replying to this thread, it means i don't pay attention much to this site. But you can find me on bnetweb anyways.


lol ur a funny child i could i bs a clan that im not even in