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Pages: 1 2
.38 bad cdkeys were loaded
..Loading good cdkeys
...38 were marked as bad cdkeys
....2348 cdkeys were loaded
>> Cdkeys loaded fine
Loading spams
.1 flood spams loaded
..1 join/idle spams loaded
>> Spams loaded fine
Loading proxies
.3982 proxies loaded
>> Proxies loaded fine
Databases successfully loaded

And...? We're proud of you? o.O
no not really just Bored Tongue
You post so much rubbish, it's unbelievable.
I, The Rival Wrote:You post so much rubbish, it's unbelievable.

He wants to be accepted.
this is mainly to pi$$ off Tech n9nc Tongue
[Image: 969638-cool_story__bro_super.jpg?1244744838]
that Scared the Shit out of me :|
... Damn kid.
Pages: 1 2