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Full Version: Mixed Screenshots.. {[:{)-\=
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Screenshots from War Lords and PlagueFest server
Press Mid Mouse Button on picture to enlarge...if browser can open tabs
or do something if not successful
Sorry for triple Posting but I dont know how to attach pictures here
so I just attach on the attachment section...max 5 pics
Scond post
Third post or Last post..thx for taking a look
[Image: 3haby2n1hyg1rzawoct8.jpg]

Me after ate one nade
Mixed Screenshots.. {[:{)-\= HAHAHAHAHA

tell me how to post pictures in the comment
Impossible to post picture into a comment.Nyah nyah nyah nyah!!
Re: Mixed Screenshots.. {[:{)-\= HAHAHAHAHA

mar_heave Wrote:tell me how to post pictures in the comment
Impossible to post picture into a comment.Nyah nyah nyah nyah!!

Look at the left upper side and click "Image host"
Thx a lot