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EternalReaper Wrote:
I, The Rival Wrote:[Image: 253_1239679087270.jpg]
I, The Rival Wrote:I still don't understand.

There is no real spelling? That doesn't even make any sense! There is always real spelling! When you spell a word, you have to spell it right, otherwise it's wrong (obviously). Just because it's on a role playing site, doesn't mean that the rules of spelling don't apply.

You're going to look back on this in 10 years and cringe into oblivion.
ok i cant Hardly spell high lol once i come back to reality I WILL FIX IT D:< but til then i get To have some fun
EternalReaper Wrote:Why is a 13 y/o trying to Role Play? o.O

Why is a 13 y/o getting high?
Cuz it fun :| it just weed God put the Plant on here for something..
Yeah but extensive studies have shown that the prime time for getting damage to your brain from marijuana is before turning 15. Adolescence is the time when the brain is growing most, so you probably should quit weed until you're more developed. You can argue against me, but I have clinical testing on my side.
i smoke it once a MONTH not every day...


Big Boy.... better find some pussie!
ruplayer Wrote:Big Boy.... better find some pussie!

Lil boy learn to spell p u s s y LoL.
ruplayer Wrote:Big Boy.... better find some pussie!
i working on it  i going to a Rave in a Week or so


EternalReaper Wrote:
ruplayer Wrote:Big Boy.... better find some pussie!

Lil boy learn to spell p u s s y LoL.

I like "pussie" way of spelling, because it doesn't get replaced... and I don't have to type with spaces homo!
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