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Full Version: Is david commiting Key Fraud?
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lol i hate the void with a passion its so fucking gay
What's funny is I've been playing in the void for like 4 years!  I don't even remember what bnet is like anymore.  It's the worst when you whip someones ass and then they pm me talking shit.  I guess I look like the strong silent type though.
i2iot Wrote:What's funny is I've been playing in the void for like 4 years!  I don't even remember what bnet is like anymore.  It's the worst when you whip someones ass and then they pm me talking shit.  I guess I look like the strong silent type though.
Ha! I couldn't forget what it's like even after 4 years. It's full of trolls everywhere! Tongue
Bloo Blah!

He isn't hijacking acccounts, he registered the key, i changed pass, Im, good now, completely no scamming involved.
Ty M. Bison!
It is highly unlikely that an admin would try to do something of the sort it would completely fuck his reputation over and damage the reputation of the entire site O_o no half brained admin would do something so impulsive.
Such a mean thought!
lol i got my cd key and my acc is still here
Same, I got my CD key, and realized how beast this forum is, it's seriously the bomb, I will stay on here as long as it is up.
i would agree i been on here for ages but its still beast
how come the bot was able to detect who in battlenet had fake cd keys?
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