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Pages: 1 2
Rabbit Wrote:
PaSS Wrote:i cant warn him but i can remove thepost muhaha

@carlos i agree he seems to really really love me or something
One day, while you're walking down the street... holding your skate board in your arms, a milk truck with hit you in the face... you will fly hundreds of meters... and the world will be a better place... for a while... and then you will wake up weeks later... And the doctors will instantly be annoyed with you while you’re in the recovery room... and when you flat line, they will take off the heartbeat sensor, and place it on the person next to you.... Wait 10 minutes, put it back on you... wait for the doctor to arrive but it will be to late... But it’s alright... because the world will once again... be a better place without your bull shit.
I normally don't listen to this genre of music at all, however, your message for some reason reminded me of this particular song. Don't ask why.  :Smile

Haha I totally see what you're talking about, Bison.

BTW nothing shameful about liking Dr Dre. If you look at hip hop, his little crew are the best.
Dr dre is one of the best.
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