Aug 12 2011, 01:44 PM
Pages: 1 2
Aug 12 2011, 02:35 PM
Holy shit: ... p=24306988
Can't wait! You guys need to open servers for this game once its out ;D
In short:
- Release Q1 2012
- Matchmaking / individual and team ladder system
- Emphasis on competitive play, 5v5
- Casual and competitive modes
- Classic maps return, modified ... p=24306988
Can't wait! You guys need to open servers for this game once its out ;D
In short:
- Release Q1 2012
- Matchmaking / individual and team ladder system
- Emphasis on competitive play, 5v5
- Casual and competitive modes
- Classic maps return, modified
Aug 12 2011, 05:18 PM
Lame name for the new CS game. CS:GO? Pfffft. Focusing on 5v5? Should have just called is CS: Scrim lol.
Still though, I look forward to this, because it means that it's more than likely that new Half Life will be coming out. OMG NEW HALF LIFE OH YEAAAAAH!!!!!
Still though, I look forward to this, because it means that it's more than likely that new Half Life will be coming out. OMG NEW HALF LIFE OH YEAAAAAH!!!!!
Aug 12 2011, 07:34 PM
it mentioned match making ability. So I think maybe it would be like a scrim server with a lobby. I think that would be great. We can pick teams and stuff like that before getting into the match.
Aug 12 2011, 08:15 PM
Aug 13 2011, 12:05 AM
To some it up, its 1.6 CS on a source engine and source smoke. more specific info here. ... ts&id=9969
Aug 13 2011, 09:50 AM ... ts&id=9982
"5. Deagle damaged reduced by 10%."
"9. Model size reduced slightly - 15% overall, makes it harder to frag one another. A more precise aim required."
"10. Head size reduced 30% vertically. Reason for not reducing horizontally is so players will not be encouraged to crouch on a corner to avoid being headshotted."
"One of the biggest announcements following the list was the addition of zBlock to the game itself."
:/ ... ts&id=9982
"5. Deagle damaged reduced by 10%."
"9. Model size reduced slightly - 15% overall, makes it harder to frag one another. A more precise aim required."
"10. Head size reduced 30% vertically. Reason for not reducing horizontally is so players will not be encouraged to crouch on a corner to avoid being headshotted."
"One of the biggest announcements following the list was the addition of zBlock to the game itself."
Pages: 1 2