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Full Version: new counter strike source game?
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xFerior Wrote:It says they are inviting the top Counter-Strike players, but i haven't been invited. Therefore, this is not true.


Holy shit:
http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/s ... p=24306988

Can't wait! You guys need to open servers for this game once its out ;D

In short:
- Release Q1 2012
- Matchmaking / individual and team ladder system
- Emphasis on competitive play, 5v5
- Casual and competitive modes
- Classic maps return, modified
Lame name for the new CS game. CS:GO? Pfffft. Focusing on 5v5? Should have just called is CS: Scrim lol.

Still though, I look forward to this, because it means that it's more than likely that new Half Life will be coming out. OMG NEW HALF LIFE OH YEAAAAAH!!!!!
it mentioned match making ability. So I think maybe it would be like a scrim server with a lobby. I think that would be great. We can pick teams and stuff like that before getting into the match.
To some it up, its 1.6 CS on a source engine and source smoke. more specific info here. http://www.eseanews.com/index.php?s=new ... ts&id=9969

http://eseanews.com/css/index.php?s=new ... ts&id=9982
"5. Deagle damaged reduced by 10%."
"9. Model size reduced slightly - 15% overall, makes it harder to frag one another. A more precise aim required."
"10. Head size reduced 30% vertically. Reason for not reducing horizontally is so players will not be encouraged to crouch on a corner to avoid being headshotted."
"One of the biggest announcements following the list was the addition of zBlock to the game itself."

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