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Full Version: Hey :D
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hey my names Tyler but my usernames are usually Tylersuxx,Zorzy,Toxikator I use to Play WoW.. I play Starcraft Diablo and other MMos  i also play xbox 360 Big Grin!
Hello and welcome to our forums! I checked those username(s) and only Zorzy@Europe exists on battle.net. Tongue
bison ur a god ddamn stalker.
Shush you, I was just trying to send him a message but he wasn't logged on, so I tried battle.net and he wasn't on there either. :X
Welcome Tylersuxx!
xD thx my battle.net name now is ZoRzY@useast  Add me and we can game Smile
What the heck, I think I may have accidentally looked for wrong username earlier. It says ZoRzY@USEast exists all of a sudden. Hmm.. Smile
bison.... bison... to much bnet for you sir.