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Full Version: PooP Admins
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King_Viper Wrote:regardless of what you say these admins will be better than anything you could ever wish to be. by the way, if you really want to play here and type on the forums, why would you be calling out the people who run the show? that makes no sense because i mean, your really nothing to War-Lords. Your just another player that got mad because of admins "overstepping" their power. I hope you realize that they are ADMINS not just MODERATORS. there is a huge gap between those two positions and I hope you realize that before you go spouting off to some other forum. kthxbai
thats what you don't understand, this gap is nothing but our mind setup, admins are there on server to help people to do the right thing by knowing and analyzing it, not by showing their ego and attitude, thats just too wrong, there is not much difference and you should respect those who really deserve it, i am here to remove that gap and show them their real identity, i don't wish to play here anymore, don't even have that much time on my own
THE DARK KNIGHT Wrote:I hereby announce that all the admins are poop coz all they do is poop around on servers and nothing more
you dont like us then gtfo,..

o btw wipe that poop on your face first,...lolz
Well, I mean its not like he is lying. Whats the big deal what we do with our servers behind closed doors?

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_4LQOI2fRHuM/T ... losers.jpg
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