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Full Version: Portal 1 is free on steam
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Just thought you guys should know.
Thanks! Just added this to my Library Big Grin
Lets hope they make source and 1.6 free soon.
jowy Wrote:Lets hope they make source and 1.6 free soon.

1.6 yeah, Source no.

Lets hope they put CS:S accuracy back to how it was before the update.
Yeah the update screwed everyone except awpers, just use the awp for now.
jowy Wrote:Yeah the update screwed everyone except awpers, just use the awp for now.

one per team only ;D
sigh, why they removed that imba bjump(bunny jump) from CSS?
notes:bjump and bhop is 2 different things
Offer is still good til September 20. Do you mean air-strafing? Google failed with info about bjump. I can still air-strafe in beta as of last night.
I, The Rival Wrote:
jowy Wrote:Lets hope they make source and 1.6 free soon.

1.6 yeah, Source no.

Lets hope they put CS:S accuracy back to how it was before the update.

You wouldn't want a game for free? How weird...
You know I'm playing portal today and it blows. No wonder its free.
not freeĀ  >Sad
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