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Full Version: Clan MadNoobies
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Hello Guys! Just wanted to let you know about our clan. We have about 6 people in our clan. Most of them are from the sniper servers ( actually all ). We are recruiting. Just let us know if you wanna join.

Requirement : Absolutely nothin'...

Leader : Knowpain

( The recruitment is done regarding your behaviour and attitude rather than skill. )
yeah everybody can join !!!!! and this clan i made that is not purpose of challenging other clans.........duh
just want to make a group of friends in CSS  ;D
Knowpain Wrote:yeah everybody can join !!!!! and this clan i made that is not purpose of challenging other clans.........duh
just want to make a group of friends in CSS  ;D
nice aim... same with me, but it is not easy to find zombie clan
lol i made a clan like this before it lasted untill people got bored of the servers and left
pain u should change the clan name to Akatsuki its suit u more if u know what i mean lol
PaSS Wrote:lol i made a clan like this before it lasted untill people got bored of the servers and left
i bet u are one of them pass lol
as i clearly stated on bnet i will never join a clan i will always create them  course u werent around to hear that
i meant that u also got bored and left the server
wat server bnet or css ? cause i still own a clan on bnet
mar_heave Wrote:
Knowpain Wrote:yeah everybody can join !!!!! and this clan i made that is not purpose of challenging other clans.........duh
just want to make a group of friends in CSS  ;D
nice aim... same with me, but it is not easy to find zombie clan
Dude i ve made 10< members about now
i never play anything on bnet its headache. this clan is in css
back to wat assain was saying ya i was one of them that got bored and left lol srry about that was a bit confused on wat was going on :|
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