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Full Version: What are the best free iPod Touch apps?
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I've recently obtained an iPod Touch but I don't feel like wasting money on apps.
Does anyone know any good free aps?
Gaming, Music, doesn't matter.
just ask someone to jail break it for u . you can get any games for free o_O
theres alot of good ones just search it up on google
yea man i <3 angry birds though, that game is the cat's pajamas, it's the bee's knees

you should def try jail breaking, everyone does it you don't wanna be the sad little loner who pays for his apps =P
too be honest, jailbreaking your iphone/ipod touch sucks monkey dick, every single app that essential to a jailbroken iphone/ipod touch requires a payment, just stick to a normal phone, oh and use the "Genius" button in the AppStore.
Are there chances that jailbreaking will screw up my iPod?
if u google some tutorials its really hard to fuck up ur ipod
the first time i did it all i did was copy a youtube video and it went fine so dont worry about causing any permanent damage
TehMuffinMan Wrote:if u google some tutorials its really hard to fuck up ur ipod
the first time i did it all i did was copy a youtube video and it went fine so dont worry about causing any permanent damage
actually, yes you can fuck up your iPod, some apps from Cydia can ruin your iPod, be 100% careful when using it