Anyone here play diplo 7.7? Game used to be huge, anyways my favorite countries to pick from was czech and russia. I always took germany easily and massed ghosts up the ass.
7.7 sux. period.
every1 either plays diplo infinity 2.8 or diplo: fall of briton (uses same units as 2.8)
WA-Zergslayer Wrote:7.7 sux. period.
every1 either plays diplo infinity 2.8 or diplo: fall of briton (uses same units as 2.8)
bra 7.7 was the shit. It got boring because it was popular for too long.
ive seen soooo many ppl hosting diplo infinty n 2.5 n 2.8 what is it tho? ive never tried cuz when i say idk wht im doing i get kicked. its like they want a noob free world.
if i were u i wudnt say anything, plus there are youtube vids you can watch to learn to play. The concept takes a little getting used to but after that its easy and fun.
What are the major differences between the diplo maps, and WWI or WWII maps? I mean....all are decided by a mix of sound strategy and the ability to move your mouse and hit hotkeys at the speed of light! If you like the diplo maps and haven't played the WW maps you are missing out. See you on the battlefield...
Dude play diplo 1939. It's better than diplo 7.7
Try Diplo infinlty 2.8a
It fun because it has Phantom mode in it and you can own each other which is fun
Sweden Lings owns, Ukr ghost makes a lot but Romania reaver kick any small unit any day and other spec units i forgot to name