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Make sure you vac ban your steam account so you wont get tempted to come back.
^ even if i were to quit something i would never do that i would have it just in case like if ur quiting drugs to keep a hit or 2 in the closet o nm that was a bad metphor uhh but i think u no wat im getting at
lol pass
ehh i try and fail o well thats life and thats y this kid is quiting so he doesnt have as many fails in life Smile


I can give away all my cigarettes to my co-workers and say I quit... next morning I go to 7/11 and buy a new pack lol
lol ya thats wat i ment lol well sorta
nooo, first its hitler, now its u.. T_T
anyway let's meet again some other times... on CS:GO maybe =P
ohh Sad
cya soon man
this is sadĀ  :'( good luck dudeĀ  Wink
I play sims 2 instead lol
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