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Full Version: CSS Is Chopy..
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Lately I changed my rates, witch i think is the problem. Well i wanted to know why i am lagging like crazy. When i spectate someone, they teleport around the map with lag. Every few seconds i get a spike. My ping is fine 50-100 and my fps is about 250FPS. My Download speed is about 100 KBPS (I know i know) and Upload about 50KBPS. Could someone please give me commands for my internet Rates! I have like 3-10 Choke when I Do Net_graph 3 and I cant seem to get any kills Tongue (Maybe bad aim/Reg) Thanks for your time! ~Chase
Re: Help with Choke and Rates and such Tongue

take a screenshot of your net_graph 3 so we can see stuff like interp / ping, etc.


Re: Help with Choke and Rates and such Tongue

Better take 3-4 screenshots with 1-2 sec interval.
Re: Help with Choke and Rates and such Tongue

http://steamcommunity.com/id/360Oreo/sc ... s/?tab=all

Theres like 17 Screen shots with about 2 seconds In between like RU Said Big Grin
Re: Help with Choke and Rates and such Tongue

If you think that it started when you changed your rates. Just go back and change them back. If you did it by creating an autoexec.cfg file, then just rename the file and see if it fixes it.

Let us know.
Re: Help with Choke and Rates and such Tongue

Idk how to change them back :o
Re: Help with Choke and Rates and such Tongue

you musta created an autoexec file or some cfg file to change ya rates , if so jus rename the fileĀ  , all the changes should revert back to as it was b4 u changed a few things .
Re: Help with Choke and Rates and such Tongue

Okay i got rid of the rates int he Autoexec.cfg and im getting 0 Loss Most of the times but about 20-40 choke.. is that bad?
Re: Help with Choke and Rates and such Tongue

In the rates section, you should have

cl_cmdrate 66
cl_updaterate 66
rate 35000

Those are default rate settings, try those.

20-40 choke is real bad.
Re: Help with Choke and Rates and such Tongue

If after you do what Rival says, try to just rename your autoexec.cfg to another name and let the game handle the defaults and see if that helps.
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