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Full Version: Beta Closed!!
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With the beta behind us, the team is focused on getting the servers ready for the full game launch on Oct. 25. This jet footage from the beta is a nice example of what you have to look forward to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=warw_-50bxo

YESS all about MW3 bitches!
no...just stop before you get yourself hurt...lol
rofl, well bf3 is great too.
KŋÏğĦ‘tRìĐě® Wrote:rofl, well bf3 is great too.

Nice save.  :o
lawl i was just kdding...gosh
JayCat Wrote:Nice save.  :o


SpartanOnLSD Wrote:lawl i was just kdding...gosh

i know Big Grin
Both are Badass.
Dre@m$ Wrote:Both are Badass.

BF3 was good during the beta, even if it was slow paced...  :Smile
Yeah Operation Metro was redic after like the 50th time playing it...i just wish i could have played Caspian Border. to fly the jets!!
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