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Full Version: SpartanOnLSD ace Video!!
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Thanks Epi for doing this shit up for me.


Song is Slayer - Angel of death

Hmmm nade was a fluke =) only if your teammate didn't do any damage to whoever you naded!!!!!

well if you would like to investiage that sir good luck...from this video ACE!!..hahah
Np man Smile ill edit it for you today
hmmm i would say you are not bad but i thought the video would be longer i aced twice yesterday in popular maps  but no one was recording lol
It's pretty awesome, nice job Wink
i want to play so damn much but my dad wont let me download it Dxxxxxxx
lol i know it was very fast...but thats just the way i work baby...fast and hard!! o yeah!
Next time, try and do it with 100hp left, instead of 1. Tongue
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