cl_cmdrate +100. This command will bring your ping to 1 or 5 but it's useless. Why? It's just ping masking so it's fake(I mean the ping is fake).
If your true question is "how to stop lag and get better reg" , well then you'd have to change your rates!
Anyways good luck!
no banana you have no idea what your really trying to i will explain,
by ping he meant yeah the cmd will mask your latency that everyone sees on the sore board. your ping wont change unless you get better internet or move closer to the which they are in LA, California. the only real god thing you can do is make your PC as good as you can hardware wise so that your FPS wont Lagg up when your connections does and it will hopefully counter that problem!
I, The Rival Wrote:You can still play with a high ping without choke or loss. I have a ping around 150-200 most times, but because I have 0 loss and (mostly) 0 choke, and low lerp (15.2ms), my ping doesn't affect the ability to hit me.
my ping is 300 there is no problem in it but sometimes i get killed cause of the delay where ppl can see me before i can see them in one second delay just like that, but im quit good (im not bragging lol) i kill alot of ppl so there is no problem in playing with a 300 ping that is if u dont lag. normaly when i play i dont download cause then i will lag
but iam the best ;D 8)
always kill u ;D
To be honest,there is really no important topic here. This is an international server so your ping can be as high as you want. It just causes bad reg. But if your ping is higher than usual then you would lag. I'd say get better Internet.
I can't thank you enough to all of you...despite my predicamet is not completely solve, It shows your sincerity to assist me in my predicament.
Anyway see u all in (WL) Sniper when the patch is released...
i always have 200 ping but i dont lag lol
this topic is not programming related... moving to general chat.
Some guy's idea i forgot his name. Try the end processes in task manager like "autodownloadporn.exe" or anything else. And you are clever if you end "explorer.exe" .