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My css updated. I am happy and instantly connect to wL servers. But this Fking dialog box appears...........
What is this ? I also restarted my PC. but that box still welcome me.  :-[ What should i do ?
It's a fail that happens when your Steam client isn't updated.

Read this thread

http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/s ... ?t=1403821

Or just Google the error. Most of these problems, you can Google the error and loads of stuff will come up.
Try uninstalling CSS and deleting the leftover files and installing it again. Refer this:

i got this error too
then i found the prob.

i ahve to open the game using css.exe , and it worked

u try it  8)
THANKS ALOT DeNveR ! its fking [size=360]WORKS !

EDIT: and i dont see the quickswitch removed ???