Don't know what else to say except for that my frustrations portrayed on this community have no longer left me will the will to even join a CSS server and legitimately have fun anymore.
I need a break from this place, so I bid you all farewell.
Damn Rabbit. To say that I'm disappointed would be an understatement. I have not been in this community for very long, but you are one of the close friends that I have made here. I don't know what happened but I hope to see you around.
I didn't even get to play with you :'( Peace man Hope you come back
rabbit ur leaving D: D: D:
don't go man stay!!!
everyone loves you so stay!!! D:
Dude you fucking suck
Catch me on Steam, or play some Minecraft with me. Bitches love Minecraft.
I can totally understand why you're taking a break and stuff. We think a lot alike, and a lot of the same issues we agree on. It's a shame, but I'd probably have left by now as well if I were you.
Peace out man

NOOOO rabbit not u too i didnt get the chance to see your legendary ninja skills

i dont know about u but i considered u as my friend, i even find talking to u more fun and enjoyable than playing, u were very respectful with me, i just wish that i will see u in the forums again talking with u has been very wonderful, and i wish u the best in every aspect of your life, good bye my friend hope to see u soon

I think it's because of his :o (GF) :o
Good luck, hope to see you back soon

They all come back

You will be back...they always come back! GL HF!! with IRL!!