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Full Version: USMC mission created by me.
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I created some quick mission with simple scripts. Please note that Arma2 is not fps game, it's military simulator.

So USMC LAV25 unit spotted some enemy activity near village Dolina, 8 UH-1Y choppers with 56 marines on board went ahead to the last LAV25 known position. Mission: eliminate all enemy units in the area from ground. Choppers aren't going to get involved in battle, they're there just to drop off 8 USMC squads.
It's funny one of my marines got shot before we even landed and our squad leader got shot by BMP-90 later too.

Music plays only first 2,5 min. so you don't get bored=) I didn't complete my own mission, but it looks pretty cool Wink
Thats amazing, I really like arma 2's graphics
графон прикольный, а во фрии хуйня какая то Smile