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You know what? I am 100% American, but to see someone (especially one of our government officials) that happy about someone getting killed  makes JayCat feel Jarateed.


I'm 100% Russian living in America, but this makes me feel some kind of shame for US government, whole world saw this. Doesn't look good at all.
ruplayer Wrote:I'm 100% Russian living in America, but this makes me feel some kind of shame for US government, whole world saw this. Doesn't look good at all.

Yes a true living Bitch, but what make's me sad and angry, is People like her, and her gang run this god damn f**ked up world,and get to choose who wins and who loses, who lives and who dies  >Sad
ruplayer Wrote:[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fgcd1ghag5Y[/youtube]
i hate that dam* b*tch  >Sad
MindHACKer Wrote:Yes a true living Bitch, but what make's me sad and angry, is People like her, and her gang, get to choose who wins and who loses, who lives and who dies  >Sad

Easy there buddy. "Her and her gang" really? Can you go into a little more detail just what you mean by that? Are you saying that the American government is like a gang of thugs?
JayCat Wrote:
MindHACKer Wrote:Yes a true living Bitch, but what make's me sad and angry, is People like her, and her gang, get to choose who wins and who loses, who lives and who dies  >Sad

Easy there buddy. "Her and her gang" really? Can you go into a little more detail just what you mean by that? Are you saying that the American government is like a gang of thugs?

lol, No man, I meant her gang in Europe and over seas, plus the corrupted in your gov!!!!!
Ofc not the whole Goverment, there are many people are Good decent People.


I don't get your last point, but I can tell that I just personally dislike her, I remember when she was going for president position she was bullshiting everything and everywhere, remember when she made up a story about sniper chasing her crew in early 90s? lol
i don't trust any woman who's out of the kitchen.
Spartacus Wrote:i don't trust any woman who's out of the kitchen.

Really? It's nice that you gave your input on this. Thanks.
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