Hello guys, I would really appreciate it if you shared your knowledge in the Coding-World, especially in C#, I really need Knowledge , I am studying C# in College, but I want to get the Highest Experience in this Language, and want to master it like the dudes who made it all greetings to MICROSOFT.
Please share with me all kind of stuff related to C# codes:
1- Projects with Source Codes.
2- Plain source codes to achive certain operation.
3- Applied Tutorials on how to link MySQL Databases.
4- ...etc
Thank you in advance respected fellow Coders.
nothing! ???
you got any specific questions or anything you'd like to learn more about?
sorry but at the moment i'm slightly too busy to write up any real tutorials and i don't have any projects i can share with you.
man i would like to help u.. but im a sophomore.. i need 2 more years to get done with high school.. lol sorry
You really need to be more specific.
For instance, where are you at in terms of any programming (logistics). What I mean is, do you understand programming concepts, such as data types, variable manipulation, loop styles, arrays, functions, ect?
It's quite important to know where you're at before anyone can help you.
Perhaps you could post how far you are along in terms of learning c#, and we can point you in a better direction!
DRUNK_KILLER Wrote:man i would like to help u.. but im a sophomore.. i need 2 more years to get done with high school.. lol sorry
it doesn't matter how old you are to learn C# or any other language, if anything a lot of programmers start when their younger so they understand it better later on.
henry Wrote:DRUNK_KILLER Wrote:man i would like to help u.. but im a sophomore.. i need 2 more years to get done with high school.. lol sorry
it doesn't matter how old you are to learn C# or any other language, if anything a lot of programmers start when their younger so they understand it better later on.
Programming Languages are like a big Ocean, no matter how much you swim you can't reach the shore.
So if you started really really young, your chances will be much higher to develop more complicated software, with less number of Code lines & less time.
lol some one that Supports me HOLY SHIT! no one always say why do you code at a Young age?
Do it man! Learn whatever you can.
The great thing about programming is often one can take the programming methods they've learned with one language, and apply it to a new one. I'm not talking C++ to ASM, more like C++ to Java.
So it will definitely be tough getting that first language down, there is a lot to learn. It may even seem like too much off the start, but once you learn the concepts, they stick - just like riding a bike!
My suggestion for whichever language you choose, would be to learn Data Types, Variables, Basic Arithmetic, Loops (compounded with arithmitic), functions, arrays, multi-dimension arrays... In that order.
Those are the basics of any programming language. There's much more to learn after the fact, but if you understand those basics, you can apply them to any programming language you understand the syntax with.