Do you love me or you hate me.
Criticize me so that I can improve myself.
y4 blow.
I like you because you like men. I dont like you because you think you're so good.

Fix the warlords reg fenken.
fenken Wrote:Do you love me or you hate me.
Criticize me so that I can improve myself.
lol just go die in a dark corner alone where no one can see you.
and you suck you actually hax but you are good at hiding it lol
you are the legendary office sucker lmao

Nah I'm just kidin, your cool

I never liked you fenkeN! Stop boasting then I will <3 you! For the meantime it's this : </3
I've played in the Office server and in the scrim server with you a few times. But I got no flames or admires for you. I guess I haven't played with you enough yet. :-\
I guess that I will have to change that.
Well, at least you aren't Hostage.
Mawped Wrote:Well, at least you aren't Hostage.
lol mawped you i think i will flame hostage and you are invited lmao
Mawped Wrote:Well, at least you aren't Hostage.
lawl fat burn! +10 pts to you sir!