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Howdeh  8)

I came accoss War-Lords servers after a very long break from Counter-Strike. I've religiously played the game since 1.3, but never got into Source, so stuck with 1.6 for some time.

Well, that time is over. And it's nice to have found a set of different servers in which I don't lag =D.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in game!

Welcome dude, don't forget to check the Zombie server "AWESOME"  Wink
Welcome to the War-Lords forums. Enjoy your stay here and on the servers. Make sure that you stay active here in the forums so that we can get to know you better.
Sniper server..  That is all
welcome and enjoy your stay, check all the servers they are all good you wont get bored 
welcome to the community!
Welcome to the forums Helices Smile Stay active on forums and the wL servers Smile Hope to see you in game Big Grin
Wow; Thanks so much for the warm welcome!  ;D

I will certainly stay active on the forums! You'll probably find me in mini-games for now, I'm really enjoying that server!

try out the 24/7 pffice server too . That sh*t getts JUMPING!! lol you know what i mean! crazy mother F***ers in that server..haha