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                Only those who truly have the passion towards this game understands this. I am being mentally harassed, mocked, embarrassed by my parents for playing CSS. I am 26 years old. I work 11 hours a day. - 9AM to 8 PM.
I play wL from 9PM to 2 AM. have hardly 5 hours of sleep a day. My parents are pushing me to a threshold limit. Other than eliminating them from a headshot, does anyone have any Ideas for my problem.
Dai ezhe kazhedhe vaise ache . headphones and a locked door wud solve all ya problems . Headshots not a bad idea too Tongue
FALCON Wrote:Gentlemen., 
                Only those who truly have the passion towards this game understands this. I am being mentally harassed, mocked, embarrassed by my parents for playing CSS. I am 26 years old. I work 11 hours a day. - 9AM to 8 PM.
I play wL from 9PM to 2 AM. have hardly 5 hours of sleep a day. My parents are pushing me to a threshold limit. Other than eliminating them from a headshot, does anyone have any Ideas for my problem.
In which country do you live, Falcon?

It can be a cultural thing, where parents are unable to accept their children spending more than ~ 30-60  minutes on a game. They might even believe that gaming is having a negative effect on your life. Regardless, by the sounds of things, you fulfill your duties and work really hard. And I assume that gaming helps you to wind down from all of that work, and gives you a decent amount of enjoyment. If that's true, maybe try expaining to them that it's genuinely good for you, and that it makes you happy. Also, If you don't have much of an outside social life, gaming can connect you with some likeminded people who you can socialise and be friends with (but don't go so far as to alienate yourself from people in real life).
Ramesh From India trying this item :) Wrote:Dai ezhe kazhedhe vaise ache . headphones and a locked door wud solve all ya problems . Headshots not a bad idea too Tongue
this one is better than sillys
Silly's one is better. Shutting the door and playing...... Next day would be like no gaming at all. Lol
silly is right i think you should tell them that this is your stress reliever from work, but you shouldnt just play like that spend some time with your parents try telling them about your day at work, dont just shut yourself in your room.
26 years old and working 11 hours a day? You should have enough money to move out and get your own play. That would solve it.
JayCat Wrote:26 years old and working 11 hours a day? You should have enough money to move out and get your own play. That would solve it.

For real, save up some money and go buy a house, then you can find a bitch to fuck and be very merry!!
JayCat Wrote:26 years old and working 11 hours a day? You should have enough money to move out and get your own play. That would solve it.

We have a very very very different culture in india . we believe in joint families .even post marriage most people stay with their parents and help em out and stuff . so thats kinda how it works . and im sure you dint know this  , jus FYI sir : its an offensive thing to say to an indian .
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:For real, save up some money and go buy a house, then you can find a bitch to fuck and be very merry!!
Dude i just love the way you think! lol
Oh wait you forgot to tell him that he should choose a bitch that can fuck and feed him at the same time  Wink
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