ruplayer Wrote:I'm at work.
still don't get a point. you'll be cool enough to post a picture like this if you drink.
pTK Wrote:mw3 is the same old shit as mw2, but i like mw2 The single player is fucking amazing. Story line of the gods imo. And i prefer to solo player clutch status and combat style of CoD rather than the mass teamwork and huge battlefields of bf3
I don't really play fps games for storyline actually. I don't think they can beat storylines from rpgs or like skyrim. I'm in it for the multiplayer. thats just my opinion.
I played BF3 but i dont know why I still hate the game. I've also played MW3 and I like the storyline and love it!
When I just bought BF3 I played 5-6 hours multiplayer, then I completed single player(took me about 4 hours), then I came back to multiplayer and co-op missions(different from singleplayer).
Single player was very fun to me, I admit it's kind of short, but it's fun maybe because I speak both languages they use in game and I didn't need subtitles. I loved the mission where you get bombed by a jet almost in the end. I personally like that it's only 4-5 hours, maybe because I get bored when I go through a lot of scripted events and I bought COD black ops a long time ago and still haven't completed single player.
Multiplayer is fun, it so much fun, different game modes, a lot of weapons, a lot of upgrades for weapons, tactics.
Co-Op is fun too, I don't like lack of communication in co-op, but it's cool still.
Make sure your system can handle it, my laptop does it well, but i play it 1366x768.
Do they still have that super broken voice chat function in BF3? I remember they had it in BFBC2, the voice talk only worked half of the time, and even in that half it was terrible.
The one that is in battlelog is not to bad..idk about an in game one though...
A 2 year old can play modern warfare, bf3's where it's at you tards:p
heres my 2 cents if you like team based games BF3 if you like going around like a kid twicked out on tcp and killing like carzy then you like MW3
If you claim a 2 year old can play mw3, then come 1v1, you're older than 2 you should be able to do well.
now wait a minute, he said that a 2 year old can play it, and i can say that i have seen a 2 year old play CoD. Now he didnt say anything about being good at i saw that video of you ptk your crazy but you cant play bf3 in the style that you play CoD, you just cant do it, it doesn't work.
The 2 games are completely different. You dont get the same game play from either of them so asking which one is better has no answer.
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:now wait a minute, he said that a 2 year old can play it, and i can say that i have seen a 2 year old play CoD. Now he didnt say anything about being good at i saw that video of you ptk your crazy but you cant play bf3 in the style that you play CoD, you just cant do it, it doesn't work.
The 2 games are completely different. You dont get the same game play from either of them so asking which one is better has no answer.
pTK Wrote:If you claim a 2 year old can play mw3, then come 1v1, you're older than 2 you should be able to do well.
I think you guys just got trolled. please stick to the topic. I don't want this to end up in the flamez section