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Full Version: clan wa
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we are a clan who enjoys all sorts of game types: our favorits are diplo and desert strike, we DONT hack nor do we play with hackers
we recently expanded to east, but wests recruitment fell behind, if you want to join youl have to find ME and ask

we do not accept walkins, however if u find us in our channel and ask to play, but NOT ask to join , we might ask u to join

we havemade realy awsome maps such asĀ  Diplo: Fall of Britton.
pm me if u want to set up a game
Clan WA, trololololĀ  :Smile
^That and Clan Ussr still around?
xrift Wrote:Clan WA, trololololĀ  :Smile
^That and Clan Ussr still around?
trolololololololo, trolololololoooooooo?
Do you know of trololololooooooooo?
Biggest cult joke alive.