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hi im WA-Zergslayer / WA-Slipstream / WA-Zerg_Bot
im from clan wa, play sc wc2 wc3 sc2(collectors edition
found the site from the bots floating around in the chat channels
plz answer the poll honestly

i am in clan wa
welcome to the site need anything let us know
my god, WA is still alive? I remember seeing that clan in 05
welcome sir Big Grin

and hacks shouldn't be a problem in game, i never hacked myself, but i always had friends i gamed with who did, n it was always fun to let em do all the work. haha.
Lol Clan WA... just lol.
xrift Wrote:Lol Clan WA... just lol.
lol I was in WA but got exiled XD
Please add:
idc (I don't care)
to the list so I can vote.


Neander Wrote:my god, WA is still alive? I remember seeing that clan in 05

clan WA has been around since 01 and have enjoyed 9 years of happy hack free gaming
Not cool!
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