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Full Version: Nal BITCH rawr
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jesus fucking Christ KEEP MY NAME OUT OF YOUR POST FOR ONCE and can u please take my avatar out of yours u lil fugly TROLL!!!
lol my avatar is different
he got u there
i knew hes a troll!!! I KNEW IT
Are you the one on that avatar karla?

Nal_rAwr, i suggest changing avatar, because, karla is a mean mean girlll.

Here are some cool avatars you might want to use or not, their cool to me..


I'll upload a few more later.
it's only karla trying to act like a man(her true nature ofc), but her egotistical ways are interfering and she/he can't decide whether or not it is indeed a man or a woman
henry Wrote:it's only karla trying to act like a man(her true nature ofc), but her egotistical ways are interfering and she/he can't decide whether or not it is indeed a man or a woman

It IS different, but close enough that you should practice professional courtesy and take it off.