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Don't hold back.  Come @ me
This kinda reminded me of that character in Sin City who got turn on only when the victims he was raping screamed at him.
Yeah, the orange goblin? I guess you could call him a troll maybe. That's kinda fitting here.

Helmut I think you're probably the nicest guy I've ever talked to. I think your CS:S skills surpass literally everyones on the planet. I'm surprised you haven't been knighted by Gabe Newell yet. The dedication you're putting into the hardest CS:S league there is (TWL) really inspires me to get better at the game. From this day on, I'm going to play 12 hours a day on CSSMixes until I can full pz noobs lata like you do.

I found your Facebook, and I printed a huge poster of you, and put it on my ceiling above my bed, so every day when I wake up I get to stare at your glorious face and remind myself that maybe if I put in a lot of hard work, time and effort, then I could probably be as great as you.

Thank you for being a massive inspiration.
Mirrors,  They flame you every morning but showing you the ugly fatty you really are. 

dont have anything now Sad maybe after sometime if you dont mind lol

I, The Rival Wrote:Yeah, the orange goblin? I guess you could call him a troll maybe. That's kinda fitting here.

Helmut I think you're probably the nicest guy I've ever talked to. I think your CS:S skills surpass literally everyones on the planet. I'm surprised you haven't been knighted by Gabe Newell yet. The dedication you're putting into the hardest CS:S league there is (TWL) really inspires me to get better at the game. From this day on, I'm going to play 12 hours a day on CSSMixes until I can full pz noobs lata like you do.

I found your Facebook, and I printed a huge poster of you, and put it on my ceiling above my bed, so every day when I wake up I get to stare at your glorious face and remind myself that maybe if I put in a lot of hard work, time and effort, then I could probably be as great as you.

Thank you for being a massive inspiration.
lolololololol lmao
I, The Rival Wrote:Yeah, the orange goblin? I guess you could call him a troll maybe. That's kinda fitting here.

Helmut I think you're probably the nicest guy I've ever talked to. I think your CS:S skills surpass literally everyones on the planet. I'm surprised you haven't been knighted by Gabe Newell yet. The dedication you're putting into the hardest CS:S league there is (TWL) really inspires me to get better at the game. From this day on, I'm going to play 12 hours a day on CSSMixes until I can full pz noobs lata like you do.

I found your Facebook, and I printed a huge poster of you, and put it on my ceiling above my bed, so every day when I wake up I get to stare at your glorious face and remind myself that maybe if I put in a lot of hard work, time and effort, then I could probably be as great as you.

Thank you for being a massive inspiration.
[Image: 213509238509237502.jpg]
pTK Wrote:Mirrors,  They flame you every morning but showing you the ugly fatty you really are. 


He isn't fat at all. He looks like that guy from One Tree Hill. I'm not sure whether that's a compliment btw.
So I just came back to this thread to see what replies had been posted. Maybe someone else was trying to give Helmut more admiration than I was? I couldn't have that. I'd have literally sacrificed my first born son to show how much I fucking love Helmut, and how dedicated I am to him. As I type this, I am already thinking of tenants for the new religion I am starting. Everyone must know about this great deity named Helmut.

Then I saw that he had used what I said as a signature! I felt like Moses, being chosen by God to be his messenger. Just like Moses, I must dedicate myself to Helmut, and give everything that I have on this forum to him. So thank you Helmut, you now have every single credit I own, and I will keep giving you credits as long as I get them.

*fucking bows down*

I was told that you rage quit from the scrim today...lawl....gj!
The mighty helmut just rage quit from the scrim lololol
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