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My name is Gabe I play valve games. I have been playing valve games for 4 years now. I am good with skill maps such as Minigame, surf, bhop, scoutsknife, puzzles (hl2dm)

Just wanted to say Hi because I want to try to get along with people some people you just cant get along with no names *cough* James

Hope to see you all on the CSS servers
hi i know you.. lol welcome to the forum.. cya in game.. lol
never seen you or heard of you in my life! but welcome
i saw ur question and heres the answer:
TTg Wrote:never seen you or heard of you in my life! but welcome

He's pretty hard not to hear.
welcome, but you shouldnt have mentioned  james hes gone mad and now he will flame you too like everyone else.
pTK Wrote:
TTg Wrote:never seen you or heard of you in my life! but welcome
He's pretty hard not to hear.
rofl nice one